Friday, February 22, 2008

Old News

It's been about nine months since the last post. The tragedy of this is that they have been prime months for exactly the sort of things we like to share with you at Bad Idea Potluck.

So prime, in fact, that I am now unemployed and living in Atlanta.
My boyfriend, who will be upset to have been mentioned here, had to move. I saw a golden opportunity to destabilize my life. Road trip!

We got my car, his truck, a U-Haul, a lot of records and a neurotic fifteen-pound cat
to Atlanta. This is despite car accident-inducing chaos during a blizzard in the mountains outside of Flagstaff, a Bahai faith-theme diner in Flagstaff, sopapillas and and a hostess in Austin so delicious we very nearly jettisoned our theoretical destination and an animatronic Lyndon Baines Johnson at the LBJ presidential library.

He was dressed as a cowboy and telling jokes. It could have been the end of us all but the museum was closing.

Whatever hit me after I slid off the road outside Flagstaff busted my tail light and my trunk up pretty bad. But the light still works and so far packaging tape is keeping the whole back end marginally street-legal.

You may fear I might not have the same opportunities here for the breathtaking stupidity I enjoyed in Las Vegas. But I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
You see, I have already purchased a refurbished fixed-gear bike. It's a little rusty and unbalanced but the paint job is killer.

So far I have met with no major mishap. Stay tuned. I have a lot of time on my hands.

In the mean time, please consider the day's posts a recap of 2007's Bad Idea Highlights. Or: The Year In Things We Would Probably Do the Same Way Over Again But Only Because We Couldn't Stop Ourselves.

For my part, I am unscathed and have learned a lot about commas, I think.
My new bike

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